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Blinded Veterans Association (BVA)

Founded by veterans who were blinded during active service, the Blinded Veterans Association helps fellow blind veterans and aims at making their lives better. This is done through various service programs, advocacy before executive branches and legislative branches of the government, resources and regional groups.

BAV does not require veterans to be members before they can take advantage of support and assistance. Irrespective of whether they lose their eyesight during or after active military duty, legally blinded veterans can opt for assistance from this foundation.
The foundation is supported and assisted by visually impaired veterans, their friends and relatives. Volunteers strive hard to help families of veterans who are blinded cope with the related challenges. Anyone wishing to assist and contribute to the efforts of this organization in any manner can just send an email or call them.

The Blinded Veterans Association is always open to service; suggestions and ideas of those who wish to contribute and help with their objective. The roots of this organization can be traced back to the World War II. A group of hundred youngsters, who had lost their eyesight in the war in their early twenties, founded the BVA. These young, blinded soldiers conceptualized this idea as they recuperated from injuries at the Connecticut based Avon Old Farms Army Convalescent Hospital. A meeting was held at the facility by the group on 28th March 1945 with the sole purpose of helping fellow blind veterans cope with their disability by offering them financial, moral and emotional support.

Staffs and officers of this foundation have since been working tirelessly towards achieving their objectives of fulfilling the mission of the association. BVA was chartered by the Congress thirteen years after it was founded. This foundation continues to uphold the ideals framed in this charter.

BVA has always been and will always remain the only voice for blinded veterans in America and this fact has been widely recognized including by the Department of Veteran affairs.

To find the link to this and many other military aid and charity organizations, please visit the Military Links & Resources page.

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