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Troops To Teachers - Louisiana

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Troops To Teachers - Louisiana: Overview

The Troops to Teachers program in Louisiana is vital to the future of the quality of education delivered in the state. It is no secret that Louisiana is and has been near the bottom in terms of the level of education attained by its schoolchildren. There are a number of reasons for this result, and numbered among these reasons is the shortage of qualified teachers. This is where the Troops to Teachers program can be a game-changer for the state. Not only does the program produce qualified teachers, but the performance of these teachers has been lauded as being of high quality. In the past, the program has been extended because of its success. Myers (1996) shared that, “the program [had] been so successful in Louisiana that the ending date [had] been extended from 1997 until 2000” (p. 2-b). It is essential that the Troops to Teachers program in Louisiana continues to receive high accolades and support in order to improve the state’s education standards.

Troops to Teachers - Louisiana: Education

Veterans that plan on settling in Louisiana following separation from the service and are in need of a second career should seriously consider the Troops to Teachers program in Louisiana. The state is in dire need of qualified teachers, so veterans should have no problem finding a position. However, the program does have eligibility requirements, one of which is that you have at least a bachelor’s degree. Having a bachelors degree makes you more marketable when pursuing any job vacancy, so it is something you should consider achieving anyway. Get started by clicking on the “Find A School” button below. You will have access to a bunch of schools that can help you complete this coveted academic achievement.

Troops to Teachers - Louisiana: Reference Section

Myers, D.. (1996, July 17). La. Troops to Teachers program praised as model. Advocate, p. 2-b; 1-b.

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