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We encourage you, our visitors, to contact us and provide us with feedback that may lead to the improvement of this site. We strive to provide accurate information on all of our web pages, so if you find some content that you may not think is 100% accurate, please feel free to contact us and let us know so it can be corrected. In addition, do not hesitate to provide us with the information that you believe to be accurate.

Also, your suggestions regarding information that you would like to see included on this site is also welcome. We want this site to be one of the most comprehensive sites on the internet that covers topics that concerns our military members and their families, so we expect that our visitors will provide us with a variety of information that will "fill in the holes." We will let you know when your suggestion will be implemented on the site, or if it is something we already plan on incorporating.

If you have any questions regarding any of the information or features on the site, please feel free to ask. One thing we would like to point out is that the educational institutions that you find on this site are listed here in order to make finding the right school a less difficult process for you. We do not represent these institutions, so we prefer that if you have any specific questions regarding programs or degrees, please request that information directly from the institution(s) that interests you. However, if you would like to have a more general conversation about attending college, we will be happy to provide you with our feedback and experiences. After all, we are veterans that have utilized our educational benefits to earn our degrees and we strongly believe that every military member and veteran should do the same.

Thank you for your interest in USA Military Benefits!

Contact Information

To get in contact with us for updates or anything else, please email here: [email protected].

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