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A Million ThanksMany a sacrifice goes unnoticed, especially the sacrifices of our military members. To show appreciation for their selfless sacrifice and dedication to duty, A Million Thanks was established. This organization aims at obtaining support from people from around the country through emails, letters, prayers and cards. A little appreciation through thoughtful words sent as a token as appreciation goes a long way in spreading good will and cheer and adds value to the great sacrifice of those US military men and women. By remembering those who were lost in the 1941, 7th December attack on Pearl Harbor and thanking them for their sacrifice for the country, we can show our gratitude and admiration for their strong sense of patriotism. There are many unsung heroes who deserve mention and who deserve to be remembered. A Million Thanks, which was established by Shauna Fleming, has since collected at least 5 million letters and thank you cards in appreciation of the dedicated service and sacrifice of US troops in all parts of the world including Afghanistan, Iraq. According to Shauna, yellow ribbons and flags could be seen in every single house just after the 9/11 attacks. However gradually, these flags and ribbons started disappearing. Shauna felt that our fighting troops deserved to be remembered by all and the least they deserve is appreciation from citizens for whom they put their life on line. In order to ensure that the fighting troops are remembered, appreciated and recognized, Shauna initiated A Million Thanks that has since received a lot of support and response. Initially, this organization started off with a goal of sending one million letters to troops fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. With tremendous response from all over the country, the numbers far surpassed a million letters and the goal of the organization today is to ensure that every single American appreciates the sacrifice of the troops at the battlefields around the world. Fleming says that especially for soldiers without families and for those whose families did not support their decision to join the troops, support of their fellow countrymen through A Million Thanks matters a lot. This organization has certainly helped troops realize that there are many people around the country who deeply care for them and their welfare. To find the link to this and many other military aid and charity organizations, please visit the Military Links & Resources page. |