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Armed Forces Foundation

Created exclusively to provide solace and comfort to military community, the Armed Forces Foundation offers housing assistance, career counseling, financial support and recreational therapy programs. Retired military servicemen, active duty personnel, Reserve components, National Guard and their families benefit to a great extent from these programs.

This organization has its base in Washington D.C. and was formed in 2001 with the sole purpose of serving armed services members on a nonprofit basis. Many invaluable programs offered through this foundation has helped servicemen immensely including the Injured Support services, Family Assistance Program, Family Bereavement Assistance, Housing Assistance Program for injured troops and the Classic Outdoor Sports Program for families of troops.

The focus of this foundation is to ensure maximum support for the armed forces through its innovative programs that are customized on a continuous basis based on changing needs. Wounded soldiers are visited by the foundation’s staff on a regular basis at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and the Bethesda National Naval Medical Center where the soldier’s sacrifice is appreciated by giving them gifts.

Apart from offering financial support for families wishing to visit wounded relatives in the hospitals, this foundation also spends thousands of dollars on providing homes for the injured veterans and their families. If a soldier dies fighting, the Armed Forces Foundation offers help for the surviving families financially as well as provides them with grief counseling. The foundation also offers an opportunity for the wounded service members and their spouses to go back to jobs or to schools through career counseling.

American troops put their life on line at the front and spend months or even years leaving their family and friends back home. They give their best to protect their nation that has placed a lot of trust and responsibility on their shoulders. Armed Forces Foundation, since its inception, has been exclusively serving troops and their families showing appreciation for their sacrifice.

To find the link to this and many other military aid and charity organizations, please visit the Military Links & Resources page.

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