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Home > College for Military > Military Friendly Schools in South Dakota
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Military Friendly Schools in South Dakota

The state of South Dakota is host to one military installation. That installation is Ellsworth AFB, which is the home of the 28th Bomb Wing. The 28th Bomb wing is assigned to the 8th Air Force under the Air Combat Command, and is home to the B-1B. Ellsworth AFB is located in a beautiful area near Rapid City, SD, which is near the Black Hills, the Badlands, and Mount Rushmore. There are other great towns located in South Dakota, such as Sioux Falls, Aberdeen, Watertown, Brookings, Mitchell, Pierre, Yankton, and Huron. This is a great place to be stationed for those troops who enjoy outdoor activities, and it is a great place to be stationed for a service member interested in pursuing a degree.

There are military friendly colleges in South Dakota, a few of which are within driving distance from Ellsworth AFB. One of the first steps that a military member should take is to request information from several of the military friendly schools in South Dakota that are listed below. After acquiring all of this information, the prospective student has the opportunity to compare all that these schools have to offer and then select the one that is best suited for the military member. Get started by clicking on the "Find A School" button below:

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