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Military Links & External Resources

A Million Thanks - Dedicated to ensuring that our service members and veterans understand how much we appreciate their sacrifices through various acts of kindness.

Adopt A Platoon - Founded with the sole purpose of ensuring that military members are always remembered and appreciated by all citizens of this country.

Air Compassion for Veterans - Ensures that no wounded soldier or veteran is denied access to essential rehabilitation programs due to lack of finance.

Air Force Aid Society - A nonprofit organization founded in early 1942 that provides a assistance in a variety of different forms to financially stressed Airmen and family members.

Air Force Enlisted Village - The main purpose of the Air Force Enlisted Village is to provide housing and financial assistance to the surviving wives of Airmen lost in action.

American Gulf War Veterans Association - This organization was established to ensure that service members and their families are able to obtain adequate treatment for "Gulf War Illness."

American Legion - Established by Congress in 1919, the American Legion is comprised of veterans who are committed to community involvement, the youth, national security, and devotion to fellow veterans.

American Red Cross - An organization dedicated to providing aid and comfort to victims of natural disasters. It is also well-known for a number of other services, such as catering to the needs of military families and sponsoring blood-related services.

American Snipers - Established by civilian police officers, some of whom where Reservists or Guardsmen, as a way to provide the necessary gear to their military bretheren.

America's VetDogs - Veteran's and military members that become disabled have access to a guide dog through the efforts of this organization, which is proud to honor the sacrifices of our uniformed men and women.

Any Soldier - Coordinates with soldiers abroad to ensure that the other soldiers that do not receive care packages and letters from home are the lucky recipients of the care packages and correspondence organized by this thoughtful charity.

Armed Forces Foundation - Providing a multitude of various services to active duty military members, retired military members, Reservists, and National Guard members. These services include financial support, housing assistance, and career counseling.

Armed Forces Relief Trust - Makes the donation process to the four Military Aid Societies easier by serving as a single collection point. Ensures that donations are properly distributed to military members in need.

Armed Services YMCA - Committed to supporting our military members by providing services, such as child care, and recreational activities to military family members.

Army Emergency Relief - Supporting soldiers and their families by providing emergency financial assistance since its establishment by the Army Chief of Staff and Secretary of War in 1942.

Astronauts Memorial Foundation - Honoring the memory of our astronauts lost in service to our country and space program by championing the national Space Mirror Memorial and educational programs focusing on advanced technology.

Blinded American Veterans Foundation - Dedicated to improving the lives of veterans who have been blinded while serving our country by organizing volunteers for the cause, providing educational programs, and sponsoring research efforts and outreach programs.

Blinded Veterans Association - Since World War II, this organization has been working tirelessly to improve the quality of life of all blind veterans. Volunteers drive the efforts of this organization.

Blue Star Moms - Mothers with sons and daughters serving our country have banded together to develop a support system for each other and carry out a number of honorable missions to support the troops. These missions include sending care packages to troops and focusing on veteran’s outreach.

Books for Soldiers - Rather than selling your used books to the bookstore or having them collect dust in a closet, you can send them to military members serving overseas to read during their downtime.

Cell Phones for Soldiers - By donating cell phones or money to Cell Phones for Soldiers, you will give a military member a wonderful gift; the ability to call home and speak to his or her loved ones.

Coast Guard Mutual Assistance - The guiding principal of the Coast Guard Mutual Assistance organization is to ensure that members of the Coast Guard maintain their financial well-being.

Comfort for America's Uniformed Services Elite (CAUSE) - Founded by four West Pointers and their wives, this program has a mission that is focused on providing additional assistance to wounded Afghan and Iraqi War Veterans.

Disabled American Veterans Charitable Service Trust - Oftentimes, the state government, federal government, and veterans programs do not provide everything required to ensure that Veterans have access to all of the rehabilitation that they require. This organization helps to subsidize rehabilitation efforts.

Disabled Veterans Associations - One of the primary missions of the Disabled Veterans Associations is to ensure that disabled Veterans are aware of the programs available to them.

Disabled Veterans' LIFE Memorial Foundation - This purpose behind this foundation is to ensure that funds are secured to erect a monument in Washington D.C. to honor those Veterans who have been disabled in the line of duty.

Kilroy Was Here - Unknown stories and forgotten places. WWII & Korean war Secrets. Unknown stories revealed & places rediscovered Personal stories of combat & home front, legends, Gremlins and foofighters.

Make the Connection - A public awareness campaign by the VA which is aimed at helping Veterans overcome and seek treatment for mental health conditions.

Mesothelioma - The Mesothelioma Cancer Network's ongoing effort is to create a greater awareness about this horrific, non-curable disease, which is generally caused by asbestos exposure.

Pleural Mesothelioma Prognosis - This website has the most up to date and comprehensive information about Pleural Mesothelioma on the web today; with information ranging from a complete list of symptoms, to treatment options and steps to take after a diagnosis.

Resources for Veterans in the USA - This page contains numerous resources that focus on the needs of our Veterans of the Armed Forces.

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