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Current Military Pay Chart, Effective 01JAN12

Current Military Pay Chart: Overview

The military pay chart, which is in effect as of January 1, 2012, is located below. The pay raise was increased from 1.4% in 2011 to 1.6% in 2012. However, it is still less than the 3.4% pay raise received in 2010.

Current Military Pay Chart: Education

Keep in mind that military pay charts are consistent across the board and the only real variable in terms of making more money is the tenure involved. The point is that, if you want to earn more money, you need to focus on your ability to be promoted to a higher rank. Enlisted individuals are able to achieve a commission through hard work, becoming highly proficient in his or her MOS / AFSC / Rating, and by pursuing a higher level of education. Obtaining a college degree can be extremely beneficial for a member of the Armed Forces. Not only does it help in terms of benefiting your military career, but it is also something that will be highly valuable when you separate from the service. By clicking on the “Find A School” button below, you will have access to many schools that provide high-quality degrees. You may want to request information from a number of these colleges so that you can find the best school and degree program for you.

Officer's Pay Table

Service Tenure
Officer's Pay Chart - Basic Pay
< 2
      2828.40 3258.60 3771.30 4289.40 4971.30 5963.40 8045.70 9683.10    
2 <
      2943.90 3711.30 4275.30 4965.60 5600.40 6551.70 8419.80 10000.20    
3 <
      3558.60 4274.40 4614.50 5296.80 5988.00 6981.30 8592.60 10210.80    
4 <
3558.60 4418.70 5031.00 3558.60 4418.70 5031.00 5370.60 6061.20 6981.30 8730.00 10269.60    
6 <
3800.10 4509.60 5271.90 3558.60 4509.60 5271.90 5678.10 6303.00 7008.00 8979.00 10532.40    
8 <
3940.80 4653.30 5536.50 3558.60 4509.60 5536.50 6007.80 6447.60 7308.60 9225.00 10971.00    
10 <
4084.50 4895.70 5707.80 3558.60 4509.60 5707.80 6418.50 6765.90 7348.20 9509.40 11073.30    
12 <
4225.50 5082.90 5988.90 3558.60 4509.60 5988.90 6738.30 6999.30 7348.20 9792.90 11489.70    
14 <
4418.70 5222.40 6226.20 3558.60 4509.60 6135.60 6960.60 7301.10 7765.80 10077.30 11609.10    
16 <
4418.70 5222.40 6362.40 3558.60 4509.60 6135.60 7088.10 7763.10 8504.10 10971.00 11968.20    
18 <
4418.70 5222.40 6548.10 3558.60 4509.60 6135.60 7161.90 7982.40 8937.60 11725.50 12487.80    
20 <
4418.70 5222.40 6548.10 3558.60 4509.60 6135.60 7161.90 8199.30 9370.50 11725.50 12966.60 13685.10 15647.10
22 <
4418.70 5222.40 6548.10 3558.60 4509.60 6135.60 7161.90 8446.20 9617.10 11725.50 13286.40 13882.50 15723.30
24 <
4418.70 5222.40 6548.10 3558.60 4509.60 6135.60 7161.90 8446.20 9866.70 11725.50 13286.40 14167.20 16050.60
26 <
4418.70 5222.40 6548.10 3558.60 4509.60 6135.60 7161.90 8446.20 10350.60 11785.20 13286.40 14664.00 16620.00
28 <
4418.70 5222.40 6548.10 3558.60 4509.60 6135.60 7161.90 8446.20 10350.60 11785.20 13286.40 14664.00 16620.00
30 <
4418.70 5222.40 6548.10 3558.60 4509.60 6135.60 7161.90 8446.20 10557.30 12021.00 13618.80 15397.50 17451.00
32 <
4418.70 5222.40 6548.10 3558.60 4509.60 6135.60 7161.90 8446.20 10557.30 12021.00 13618.80 15397.50 17451.00
34 <
4418.70 5222.40 6548.10 3558.60 4509.60 6135.60 7161.90 8446.20 10557.30 12021.00 13959.30 16167.60 18323.40
36 <
4418.70 5222.40 6548.10 3558.60 4509.60 6135.60 7161.90 8446.20 10557.30 12021.00 13959.30 16167.60 18323.40
38 <
4418.70 5222.40 6548.10 3558.60 4509.60 6135.60 7161.90 8446.20 10557.30 12021.00 13959.30 16975.80 19239.90
40 <
4418.70 5222.40 6548.10 3558.60 4509.60 6135.60 7161.90 8446.20 10557.30 12021.00 13959.30 16975.80 19239.90

NOTES: Officer's Pay Chart - Basic Pay

  1. This rate of pay is available to officers at the pay grades of O-1, O-2, and O-3 that have completed over 4 years of active duty service or have accumulated 1460 points as an enlisted member. Commonly, this designation is known as O-1E, O-2E, or O-3E. Furthermore, warrant officers are eligible for this pay grade under the aforemention conditions that are applicable to enlisted members. The Department of Defense Financial Management Regulations contain more detailed information regarding this situation.
  2. The exception to this rate of pay is for individuals serving in one of the following roles: Chairman, Joint Chief of Staff / Vice Chairman, Joint Chief of Staff, Chief of Naval Operations, Commandant of the Marine Corps, Army Chief of Staff, or Air Force Chief of Staff. The rate of pay for these officers is $20,587.80.
  3. Individuals at the pay grades of O-7, O-8, O-9, and O-10, the basic pay is subject to Level II of the Executive Schedule, which is $14,975.10. For individuals at the pay grade of O-6 or below, the basic pay is subject to Level V of the Executive Schedule, which is $12,141.60.

Warrant Officer's Pay Table

Service Tenure
Warrant Officer's Pay Chart - Basic Pay
< 2
2764.50 3149.40 3558.90 3897.60  
2 <
3061.80 3447.30 3707.40 4192.50  
3 <
3141.90 3539.10 3859.50 4312.80  
4 <
3311.10 3602.10 3909.30 4431.30  
6 <
3511.20 3806.40 4068.90 4635.00  
8 <
3805.80 4123.80 4382.70 4836.90  
10 <
3943.50 4281.00 4709.10 5040.90  
12 <
4135.50 4436.10 4862.70 5348.70  
14 <
4324.80 4625.40 5040.60 5618.10  
16 <
4473.60 4773.30 5224.20 5874.30  
18 <
4610.70 4907.40 5553.60 6084.00  
20 <
4776.90 5067.60 5776.20 6288.60 6930.00
22 <
4776.90 5173.20 5909.40 6589.20 7281.60
24 <
4776.90 5256.90 6051.00 6836.10 7543.50
26 <
4776.90 5256.90 6243.30 7117.80 7833.30
28 <
4776.90 5256.90 6243.30 7117.80 7833.30
30 <
4776.90 5256.90 6243.30 7260.00 8225.40
32 <
4776.90 5256.90 6243.30 7260.00 8225.40
34 <
4776.90 5256.90 6243.30 7260.00 8636.40
36 <
4776.90 5256.90 6243.30 7260.00 8636.40
38 <
4776.90 5256.90 6243.30 7260.00 9068.70
40 <
4776.90 5256.90 6243.30 7260.00 9068.70

Enlisted Pay Table

Service Tenure
Enlisted Pay Chart - Basic Pay
< 2
1491.00 1671.30 1757.40 1946.70 2123.40 2317.80 2679.60    
2 <
  1671.30 1868.10 2046.30 2265.30 2550.30 2924.70    
3 <
  1671.30 1981.20 2157.30 2375.40 2662.80 3036.60    
4 <
  1671.30 1981.20 2266.50 2487.60 2772.30 3185.10    
6 <
  1671.30 1981.20 2363.10 2662.20 2886.30 3300.90    
8 <
  1671.30 1981.20 2363.10 2845.20 3143.10 3499.80 3854.70  
10 <
  1671.30 1981.20 2363.10 2994.60 3243.30 3611.70 4025.10 4708.80
12 <
  1671.30 1981.20 2363.10 3012.90 3436.80 3810.90 4130.70 4815.60
14 <
  1671.30 1981.20 2363.10 3012.90 3496.20 3976.20 4257.30 4950.00
16 <
  1671.30 1981.20 2363.10 3012.90 3539.40 4089.00 4394.40 5108.10
18 <
  1671.30 1981.20 2363.10 3012.90 3589.80 4209.30 4641.60 5267.70
20 <
  1671.30 1981.20 2363.10 3012.90 3589.80 4256.10 4766.70 5523.60
22 <
  1671.30 1981.20 2363.10 3012.90 3589.80 4412.40 4980.00 5739.60
24 <
  1671.30 1981.20 2363.10 3012.90 3589.80 4496.40 5098.20 5967.30
26 <
  1671.30 1981.20 2363.10 3012.90 3589.80 4815.90 5389.50 6315.30
28 <
  1671.30 1981.20 2363.10 3012.90 3589.80 4815.90 5389.50 6315.30
30 <
  1671.30 1981.20 2363.10 3012.90 3589.80 4815.90 5497.80 6630.60
32 <
  1671.30 1981.20 2363.10 3012.90 3589.80 4815.90 5497.80 6630.60
34 <
  1671.30 1981.20 2363.10 3012.90 3589.80 4815.90 5497.80 6962.40
36 <
  1671.30 1981.20 2363.10 3012.90 3589.80 4815.90 5497.80 6962.40
38 <
  1671.30 1981.20 2363.10 3012.90 3589.80 4815.90 5497.80 7311.00
40 <
  1671.30 1981.20 2363.10 3012.90 3589.80 4815.90 5497.80 7311.00

NOTES: Enlisted Pay Chart - Basic Pay

  1. The pay grade only applies to an E-1 with service tenure that exceeds four months. An E-1 with fewer than four months of service is paid at the rate of $1,378.80.
  2. The highest ranking enlisted individual in each service, which includes the Sergeant Major of the Army, the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy, the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, and the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, is compensated with a basic pay of $7,609.50. Combat Zone Tax Exclusion for O-1 and above is based on this basic pay rate plus Hostile Fire Pay/Imminent Danger Pay which is $225.00.
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