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Military Resources

Military Resources – Information and Articles Concerning Today’s Service Members & Veterans

Military Resources: Overview

Military Resources

The United States Military has a long and storied history that is rich in tradition. One of the greatest ways to honor those that are currently serving or have served this great nation is to illustrate what is required of the members of the Armed Forces. Knowing the facts and understanding the dedication and sacrifice that our service members make in order to secure our freedoms is sure to result in an even greater appreciation of the citizens that benefit from it.

Military Resources: Section Description

The military resources section is meant to serve several purposes. The primary purpose is to recognize and thank our veterans, active duty service members, reservists, and members of the National Guard for their service. In order to accomplish this goal, it is necessary to explain what each branch of the service is all about. This includes sharing the history, mission, and role of each branch.

Another goal of this section is to include interesting articles that pertain to anything regarding the United States Armed Forces. Explaining things such as the military ranks, military terms, and other military related topics helps the website visitors who may not have served better understand the United States Military. This effort will help to lead to a better understanding of the military, which should lead to a greater respect for the individuals that have volunteered to defend our freedoms.

Other articles will discuss education and career-related topics. Each branch of the United States Military consists of dedicated professionals that are well trained to do a difficult job. Oftentimes, that training can be extremely beneficial to service members after they leave the ranks of the military. Some training that troops receive can even translate into college credit. Other training provided is actually performed by an institution that is accredited, such as the training received by military members at the Defense Language Institute at the Presidio of Monterey, CA. The point is, it is important for civilian employers to understand the benefit of hiring former service members, so many topics concerning the military to civilian transition will be covered.

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