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Troops To Teachers - Texas

Troops To Teachers - Texas: Overview

Considering the fact that Texas is such a large state with many metropolitan areas, it is no surprise that teachers are in very high demand. Thankfully, the Department of Education has a program that helps guide members of the military towards a career in teaching. The Troops To Teachers program is available to members of the military that have the credentials required to become a teacher in Texas.

Troops to Teachers - Texas: Education

One of the main requirements for the Troops To Teachers program in Texas is that you have obtained a bachelors degree from an accredited college or university. If you are interested in this program and you have not earned your college degree, you may want to get started as soon as you possibly can. You may want to click on the “Find A School” button below. There you will find schools that will be happy to help you earn your degree and become eligible to participate in the Troops To Teachers program.

Members of the military are well prepared for a challenging career as a teacher. In fact, studies have been conducted to see how well former members of the military have adapted to teaching roles. In one study, Owings et al. (2006) found that former service members are, “superior to other teachers with similar teaching experience in terms of having a positive effect on student achievement, working well with other teachers and staff, independently handling student discipline problems, following school policies and regulations, and keeping parents informed about their child's academic and behavioral progress” (p. 111). Considering how desirable these qualities are to schools with teacher vacancies, a military member should have no problem finding a teaching position in Texas.

Troops to Teachers - Texas: Reference Section

Owings, W., Kaplan, L., Nunnery, J., Marzano, R., & et al. (2006, June). Teacher quality and Troops to Teachers: A national study with implications for principals. National Association of Secondary School Principals. NASSP Bulletin, 90(2), 102-114,118,123-131.

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