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Military - Villanova University Online

Military Members can get a Professional Online Education from Villanova University

Military - Villanova University Online: Overview

Villanova University has partnered with the University Alliance to provide professional certification programs. This is the same Villanova University that was established in 1942 and is the oldest Catholic university in Pennsylvania. It has a number of academic programs that are ranked among the best in the nation. Therefore, it looks very good on a resume to have received a professional certification from Villanova University, especially considering the current competitive nature of today’s workforce.

Even though the professional certification programs that are available from Villanova University do not result in college credit, they certainly help an individual develop skill-sets that both the military and civilian organizations desire from a leader. These online master certificate programs include project management, six sigma, contract management, IS security, business analysis, software testing, human resources, ROI methodology, and leadership. As a Non-Commissioned Officer, Officer, or Warrant Officer in the United States Armed Forces, your career can benefit greatly from receiving an online master certificate from Villanova University. These programs are also extremely beneficial to those individuals preparing for a leadership role in the military or to those preparing for a career in the civilian workforce.

The benefits provided to military students are meant to encourage them to participate in these programs. One example of these benefits is the special military pricing, which is not only available to the military member, but also to the family members of the military students. Other advantages provided by Villanova University include the convenience of studying anytime, anywhere. Military students do not have to worry about being reassigned, transferred or deployed considering the portability of these programs. Also, military students have the ability to exit and re-enter a program without any penalty.

Villanova University has recently added a tremendous new program to its online inventory; that program is a Master of Science in Human Resources Development. This program is led by the same exceptional professors who teach on campus, and it is the same degree that students receive on the Villanova University campus. The Master of Science in Human Resources Development was established over 25 years ago. It is highly-regarded as one of the most respected HR programs in the nation due to its comprehensive curriculum, accomplished faculty, and successful graduates.

Villanova University and its programs are accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, AACSB International, the American Chemical Society, the American Bar Association, the Association of American Law Schools, the Pennsylvania State Board of Nurse Examiners, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, the National Catholic Education Association, and the Computing Sciences Accreditation Board.

Military - Villanova University Online: Section Description

Receiving a degree or professional certification from Villanova University not only looks great on a resume, but the level of education that you will receive prepares you for the challenges that you will face. As a member of the military, you and your family members are eligible for special benefits. It is highly recommended that you request information from Villanova University in order to learn more about the programs available and benefits provided.

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Villanova University

Degree Levels: Certificate
Accreditation: Regional - Middle States Commission on Higher Education
Campuses: Online
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